ADD:No. 66, Qiliang South Road, Danyang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, China |
P.C.:212309 |
Tel:+86-511-86585736;86523881 |
Fax:+86-511-86585356;86585637 |
E-mail:ds-js@126.com |
We will achieve a new progress again |
Danyang Danshèng Textile Co.,Ltd. made an investment in Economic Development Zone of the city for building Danshēng Textile Co.,Ltd. which will occupy 13.333 hectares area and have the production scale of 50,000 spindles and 360 sets of air-jet looms. The first-stage construction of the project is expected to be completed and gone into operation in May of 2005. When the time comes, the production capacity and the product varieties of Dansheng company will achieve a new progress again. |
2014-09-12 15:45:00 |